PCI Pharma Services – Vendor Scorecard
- Healthcare & Life Sciences
PCI Pharma Services is a global, integrated Contract Development & Manufacturing Organisation(CDMO) delivering a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical services from the earliest stages ofdevelopment through to commercial launch and beyond.
Like all businesses, it needs to evaluate suppliers against key criteria including price, quality, and onsite delivery performance. Part of the company’s growth strategy has been through acquisition, which while highly successful, has meant that sites were not always using the same system. Always keen to maximise the potential for streamlining that advanced digital platforms can offer, PCI tasked Mint to custom build elements within the company’s Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that would harness the best of all the options, giving them a company-wide business tool that would support all its current requirements with built in futureproofing for further growth.
The custom-built elements Mint created were essentially a bespoke ‘Vendor Scorecard’ which wouldenable sites to easily access this benchmark of performance for key suppliers at site, region, andglobal level.
As PCI’s Global Supply Chain Manager Andrew Evans explained: ‘We probably have around 2,000vendors – 300 to 600 in regular use at each individual site.
‘What I particularly like about the Mint approach is that when you give them a concept, they probewhat you are really trying to achieve and make suggestions on aspects you may not even haveconsidered. They are obviously drawing on all their experience to do this, but even more importantly, they test any new element of the system thoroughly before implementation.’
Mint’s solution was to develop an ‘Import Routine’ for the data about individual orders from key suppliers to be input by each site, enabling them to load it into custom objects within the Salesforce structure. Rollups were then created to provide the various views PCI requires to differentiate between vendor performance (using criteria such as early / late / partial / in full deliveries, as well as any quality issues) at site, region, and global level. The Import Routine also enables users to identify any data that can’t be matched to a supplier account and offers an automatic three-month performance average by individual vendors.
The ’Scorecards’ can now be viewed as reports or as dashboards which Procurement users can view and drill down to the detail where needed, so they can easily provide information requested by other parts of the business, and particularly, ahead of vendor review meetings.
A potential future goal is to allow suppliers to view their own performance at any point via the dashboards rather than waiting for their vendor review meeting to take place – thus giving them chance to make improvements if required.
Andy said: ‘Thanks to Mint, the new system is already offering more than I first envisaged. It is undoubtedly saving me a lot of time and I know the team will be there to help us evolve it as our needs change and develop.’
“Thanks for Mint, the new system is already offering more than I first envisaged!”
Andrew Evans
Global Supply Chain Manager